Our Showroom

Museum Frieder Burda


  • Museum Frieder Burda
  • Date

  • 2024
  • Location

  • Museum FRIEDER BURDA, Baden-Baden, Germany
  • Involvement

  • Textwriting, translation, audio production, project management, hardware
  • Links


ImPOSSIBLE - The power of the (im)possible

What is a carriage doing in a museum? How black is the blackest black? And what do dented mirrored walls and objects that seem to float freely in space have to do with environmental pollution?

Artists such as Rodney Graham, Jeff Wall, Daniel Knorr, Sigmar Polke, Loretta Lux and Alexandra Bircken invite us to reflect on the visual and sensual perception of art and show that nothing is as it may initially seem: places and times, the proportions of things and their contexts shift and are recomposed.

For the special exhibition "Impossible", NOUS designed an audio guide in German, English and French that accompanies visitors on their journey through an alternative reality and guides them safely through this staging of free artistic imagination and concentrated power of imagination, rounded off with a pinch of wit and irony. The exhibition runs until 26.05.2024!