
AAL HiStory

Sharing stories - the international research project AAL HiStory is dedicated to the social inclusion of older people through storytelling


The HiStory - Sharing your stories of your heritage project is about the inclusion of older people. AAL stands for age-appropriate assistance systems in relation to an active life.

The starting point is the idea that older people can look back on a life rich in memories. Within the framework of the overall AAL project, we have worked in an international consortium of 7 partners to create solutions that allow older people to tell, share, consume and share stories through shared experiences.

The solution is built from existing building blocks: story recording, story sharing, story authoring, story consuming and connecting through stories. An app will support various types of media, such as spoken and written text, images, movie clips, and contextual information recorded by the elderly themselves or with relatives, friends, and professional caregivers. Interested institutions, such as museums, tourism organizations and schools can use the content, put them together in tours and get in touch with the storytellers.

AAL HiStory

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